Friday, February 11, 2005

Look! Up in the Sky! It's... A Bottle of HAARP?

Quote of the Day: "I was determined to know beans."
~ Henry David Thoreau ~

The deep freeze of winter places many a garden on hold. There is nothing much to be done when the beds are covered with snow. Planning for the spring day when you can throw on the compost and turn the soil is accompanied by perusing seed catalogues and reading the old gardening logs to make sure you plant the beans and peas in a new space.

The monochromatic winter in New England is sometimes broken up by the aurora borealis. A show which turns the sky green, red, gold and white, the aurora was a welcomed site. Friends would make arrangements to call each other when the sky lit up and everyone would enjoy the ballet dance of light. If the phone rang at three in the morning you were fairly certain it was from an aurora watch member. Slinging on a coat over your shoulders and quickly stepping into warm slippers, you would rush outside to see the brilliance in the sky.

The days of au natural auroras in Vermont, affectionately called the crunchy granola state by some locals, may be numbered. An article at Live Science reports that the aurora ain't what it used to be. Scientists, the article says, are messing about with the upper atmosphere by "shooting intense radio beams into the night sky" from an antenna array in Alaska called HAARP to create a light show. They speculate it could be used "to light a city or generate celestial advertisements."

Yep, you read that right. Advertising in the night sky by manipulating one of natures wonders, the Aurora Borealis. Whats next? Banner ads spanning the Grand Canyon? Or maybe the heads on Mount Rushmore speaking the latest stock qoutes?

True to form I conducted a search to find out more.

It turns out that the HAARP experiment is not just going to be used for commercial purposes. What I read at Laura Knight-Jadczyk's site was, once again, very interesting and gave me a bit of a shock. Very thoughtful and well researched article.

It is not, in my opinion, too far out or fringe to think that the next step to manipulating people will be through direct control of their minds. Heck, the major religions have been doing this for hundreds of years. And, I might add, have been very successful. They ask you to believe in a product which has no guarantee. Show me some real evidence. Not the so called miracles or scriptural verses either. Objective facts are what I am looking for, not emotional maneuvers.

A lot of my crunchy granola friends in Vermont will be very disappointed if they step outside some night and see an a bottle of HAARP floating in the sky. Most of them, myself included, are aficionados of Guinness.


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