Thursday, June 01, 2006

Birds of a Feather

Quote of the Day:
"Censorship is almost systematically the weapon of first resort for governments in uncertain political situations. So not only are the famous writers and bold journalists in danger; at every level of public and private life, the freedoms to think, read or write are denied. In the absence of a free press, other human rights abuses flourish unabated. Nothing is reported, criticized, questioned. The example of imprisonment, torture or execution imposes a further silence. A blindly obedient mob mentality is encouraged, driven by extremist religious or ethnic loyalties. The citizens do not know what is happening. Fear and ignorance permeate discussion."
~ Marian Botsford Fraser ~

I finally got a chance to read the discussion on Wing TV concerning Jeff Rense and Lisa Guliani. Lisa has collected some fine research on both Rense and Alex Jones. The FACTS point to the practice of censorship on both of their websites.

What a load of muck for the compost file this is!

There might be some people out there who don't really give a damn that Lisa has been censored. There might even be some who thinks she deserves to be censored. The fact of the matter is, the people who have been engaged in censorship are supposed to be important figures in the alternative media scene.

And this is the point that needs to be made. CoIntelPro is alive and well and dealing lies to your brain. Read all about it and make up your own mind.

Lisa says, "By CENSORING information before you have a chance to read it, what Rense and others of his ilk are doing is saying that YOU aren’t smart enough to decide for yourself what is pertinent, so they’ll be your FILTERS and do it for you. How do you like that “public service” that Rense is performing for you? As Lisa Guliani always says, “Whenever anybody lies to you, they assume that you’re stupid.” Overt censorship is a form of deceit because they’re removing, deleting, and/or omitting information without telling you they’re doing so. Thus, if you accept their censorship, then you’re proving them right – you are stupid – akin to the bumbling fools who bow-down to televangelists and think they can do no wrong. Is that what you want to be – a blind-faith televangelist groupie?"


"Right now, Jeff Rense and Alex Jones are the two biggest censors (by far) in the alternative media. There’s no one else that even comes close to them in relation to their egregious behavior. What they’re essentially saying via their actions is: If we don’t like the people mentioned in an article, or the subject matter/concepts, we’re going to CENSOR it out. On top of that, we’re not going to tell the author what we’ve done, or even get their permission to do so."

She's right. But, this is nothing new. The problem is TPTB have been censoring ideas and information like this for years and years. Now, however, it has be come a lot more subtle and harder to weed the lies from the truth, especially when it is coming from someone who is supposed to be on a search for the truth.

That is one of the reasons I read the Signs page everyday. It is the one of the very few websites out there that deals straight.


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