Thursday, August 31, 2006

The F Word

Quote of the Day:

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power."
~ Benito Mussolini ~

Don't say that you didn't see this was coming. Goergie and his gang of killers have confiscated the word Fascist and are applying it Muslims. This is actually a natural reaction for them.

After committing a crime the Psychopath will always blame the victim.

The blogs have been calling the Bush Regime Fascist for years. Anyone with two functioning neurons can see that the USofA has slid down the tubes into one deep pit of denial. Now the dictionary is being changed and the 'land of the free' looks like it's going to bite the big cookie.

To see the original defination of fascism written by Benito go here. Then visit this site to see the defination of Bushism and how well Goergie and his gang fit the fascist mold.

Incidentally, the phrase 'bite the big cookie' was a phrase used by nurses a long time back when the word 'die' was not allowed in hospitals. Another one is 'bought the box'. See how conditioned we all are?


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