Friday, July 08, 2005

Act Two

Quote of the Day:
"I detest that man, who hides one thing in the depths of his heart,
and speaks forth another."
~ Homer ~

A lot of bloggers on the internet have been watching and waiting for the other shoe to drop. With Bush's popularity at an all time low, some, including this writer, thought it might happen here in the US. Geez, it's so easy to forget how an infection of panicked patriotism can be spread by the MSM. The inoculating event may have happened over three years ago but the response, no matter where it occurs within the world's body, remains strong.

The newest terror incident has arrived at just the right time. Both Bush and Blair will receive the boost that accompanies the emotional fires of rage, fear and bloodthirsty vengeance lit within the public mind. Most of all the issues of treason related to the Downing Street Memos and the Rove's Revenge will fade from short term memory in the US to be replaced, once again, by the 9/11 terrorist meme. British troops will remain in Iraq and citizens in the US will feel relief as more laws are passed for their "protection."

A lot of people seem to forget the the false flag operations: The Lavon affair and the Attack on the USS LIberty to name just two instances where Isreal and Massad was actually responsible for acts of terror, not the Arabs.

How easy to forget an unpleasant truth and replace it with a popular belief. Emotional manipulation happens all the times in ordinary life. Take, for example, the 'Yes, Dear Syndrome.' You don't really want to go to the mall but you will to keep the peace. Then, in the middle of an argument, that boring stroll becomes ammunition called "How often have I done things for you that I didn't like?'

How quickly we forget or twist the truth when our personal interests are involved.

You can read the latest info on the PTB latest actions along with a lot of other interesting ideas and research here.


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