Saturday, December 03, 2005

Brick by Brick

Quote of the Day:

The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide."
Michael Rivero ~

From Signs of the Times:

The United States was facing mounting embarrassment as allegations continued to emerge of a shadowy network of both secret prison camps and CIA "torture flights" carrying undeclared detainees through European and other countries.

In the latest such report the British newspaper The Guardian said Thursday it had seen navigation logs showing that more than 300 flights operated by the US Central Intelligence Agency had passed through European airports, as part of a network that could be involved in the clandestine detention and possible torture of terrorism suspects.

Of course this will be vehemently defended by the Bush regime as one of the ways they help keep the Peace and spread Demopcracy. Isn't it interesting that three years prior to this report, in May of 2002, Bush 'unsigned' the agreement which forms the International Criminal Court?

It looks like they knew all along what they wanted, and were going, to do. Is it premeditated? Another piece of the puzzle? After all, they have said they will create reality.

Read the article from 2002 and then think about the other treaties which have been torn to shreds by the US Administration and Neocons. Here are some examples compiled by "The Mother Earth News."

1. In December 2001, the United States officially withdrew from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty.

2. In July 2001 the US walked out of a London conference to discuss a 1994 protocol designed to strengthen the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. At Geneva in November 2001, US Undersecretary of State John Bolton stated that "the protocol is dead," at the same time accusing Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Sudan, and Syria of violating the Convention but offering no specific allegations or supporting evidence.

3. Refused to join 123 nations pledged to ban the use and production of anti-personnel bombs and mines, February 2001.

4. Kyoto Protocol of 1997, for controlling global warming: declared "dead" by President Bush in March 2001.

5. Refused to participate in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)-sponsored talks in Paris, May 2001, on ways to crack down on off-shore and other tax and money-laundering havens.

6. September 2001: withdrew from International Conference on Racism, bringing together 163 countries in Durban, South Africa.

7. The US has signed but not ratified the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which protects the economic and social rights of children. The only other country not to ratify is Somalia, which has no functioning government.


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