Thursday, March 23, 2006

Frozen Fish Strikes Again

Quote of the Day:
“We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.”
~ Edward O. Wilson ~

In a series of unprovoked attacks the Frozen Fish that didn't Strike the Pentagon has struck again. This time, in an act of Self Importance, the finicky Fish attacked the Signs of the Times website. The afore mentioned Signs had published an article exposing the Fish as a fraud.

"How could they do this??!!!!" the picky pesci pouted. "I destroyed the Pentagon! Not a 757! And, I, lied er, lived to tell all about it!"

In a stunning announcement released earlier today, the Frozen Fish's lawyer, Mr. Wjaeschke stated, "This is totally unacceptable. The Frozen Fish is a religious icon, venerated and adored at it's home forum. It has not only destroyed the Pentagon but google bombed the internet with trash for years. Even that guy in the white house told the Fish, "Fishy, you're doing a heck of a job." He ought to know cause his men took the tapes that proved the Fish was involved in the attack."

An insider at the law firm where Mr. Jaeschke works spoke off the record saying,"This just proves that the Mr. W. J. hasn't any sense of humor, does not know the meaning of the words "Critical Analysis" and will do just about anything if paid in the proper currency. But he is a lawyer you know...."

In a rebuttal and further expose of the Forum Fronting for the Fish Laura Knight Jadczyk stated:

Some of you may have noticed that signs of the times was down for awhile today. This was due to the actions of the website As I have speculated, they were given the task to run cointelpro on Joe Quinn's article:

Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 - and Neither Did a Boeing 757

which was an analysis of the "catherder" article on abovetopsecret which essentially was support for the Bush Neocons conspiracy theory about the events of September 11.

As anyone who is familiar with copyright law knows, this is perfectly legal under standard copyright law.

However,, like Bush and the Neocons, make up their own laws. As I have chronicled on this blog, their urgent demands that we remove this article because it was a violation of their "creative commons" copyright was absurd and simply evidence of their position as an active cointelpro/psy-ops propagator on the internet. It isn't copyrights they are concerned about, it is google bombing and running psy-ops. And now, they have proven it.

Now folks, come on, how many websites that were just started by an ordinary guy who took on a couple of "ordinary" partners, and is just a hobby and sharing on the internet, are able to afford a copyright attorney in McLean Virginia???

This action also is highly suggestive of the idea that the Pentagon Issue is a LOT more sensitive than anyone has thus far suspected! Do take note of THAT!

I hope that everyone who reads this will spread this information far and wide because these people are EVIL Bush supporters, Cyber Nazi Brown Shirts.

See the blog posts:
Is the Above Top Secret Forum COINTELPRO?

COINTELPRO Updates: Above Top Secret Forum -- this post is most pertinent to the current Simon Grey issue. COINTELPRO Update COINTELPRO Update 2

More Inside Scoops on!

The Spider and The Fly: SkepticOverlord and COINTELPRO
Abovetopsecret: Ethics and Google Bombs

See also forum threads on and project SERPO: … 3015#p3015 … php?id=523

Criticism is protected under copyright law:

"The most significant factor in this analysis is the fourth, effect on the market. If a copier's use supplants demand for the original work, then it will be very difficult for him or her to claim fair use. On the other hand, if the use does not compete with the original, for example because it is a parody, criticism, or news report, it is more likely to be permitted as "fair use.""

So, it appears that ATS is claiming that Frozen Fish will supplant demand for the original article.

To decide whether a use is "fair use" or not, courts consider:

1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit education purposes;

2. the nature of the copyrighted work;

3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and,

4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. 17 U.S.C. 107(1-4)

Number one in the above list is why ATS has been harping on the links to book sales.

Joe Quinn, author of the critique of the article has sent the following:

The "derivative work" claim is BS, pure and simple. I did not "alter, transform, or build upon" the ATS piece, so it is not a derivative work. Commercial use would be if they were some charge for people to access the work - there is none. The use of the ATS piece was criticism, therefore it was not competing with the original work.

Notice that in the lawyer's email, he does not make reference to any law, Why? Because there is no legal infringement. Of course, all of this is academic since the server folks are not in the business of defending their clients, they will bow down to the mighty dollar, or the threat of having to spend some, every time. So psychopathic manipulative tactics win the day, as usual. I think a lawyer joke is in order.

The devil visited a lawyer's office and made him an offer. "I can arrange some things for you, " the devil said. "I'll increase your income five-fold. Your partners will love you; your clients will respect you; you'll have four months of vacation each year and live to be a hundred. All I require in return is that your wife's soul, your children's souls, and their children's souls rot in hell for eternity."
The lawyer thought for a moment. "What's the catch?" he asked.

The best we can do is use this episode to further expose the crowd for what they are: the Internet equivalent of the national Enquirer: disinfo, psy-ops and just plain trash.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Quote of the Day:

"I pray for no more youth To perish before its prime; That Revenge and iron-heated War May fade with all that has gone before Into the night of time."
~ Senator Edward Kennedy quoted this passage from Aeschylus the Greek tragic poet ~
in testimony before the Commission on Campus Unrest, July 15, 1970. - Congressional Record, vol. 116, p. 24309.

Have you ever seen the movie "The Patriot"? The protagonist, having fought in the French and Indian war, decides not to join the newly formed Continental Army. He is not a pacifist but sick of killing and carnage and wishes to live his life in peace. When one son is killed and another taken off by the 'Red Coats', he changes his mind forms a guerrilla style militia group to fight the British and, in taking revenge, becomes a hero.

The Pentagon generals and Donald Rumsfield probably wept patriotic tears when they saw this film. What they do not seem to realize is that revenge is a universal trait of most people on this earth. Fighting an army of occupation who has killed, raped and tortured family members and unknown citizens is a fact of life and history on the BBM.

When headlines on the internet once again scream murder:

"US Military Murders Eleven Members of an Iraqi Family - Five Children Four Women and Two Men"

you have to wonder if these killers are totally ignorant of the relationship between their orders to kill and the revenge taken by those who suffer.

If you think they are out of touch with reality your wrong. The tactics of intimidation through murder have been in use for years. The general public is either too disgusted and distressed to see how the ball bounces or they want to play just like these pros.

Newsweek says:
"What to do about the deepening quagmire of Iraq? The Pentagon’s latest approach is being called "the Salvador option"—and the fact that it is being discussed at all is a measure of just how worried Donald Rumsfeld really is. "What everyone agrees is that we can’t just go on as we are," one senior military officer told NEWSWEEK. "We have to find a way to take the offensive against the insurgents. Right now, we are playing defense. And we are losing." Last November’s operation in Fallujah, most analysts agree, succeeded less in breaking "the back" of the insurgency—as Marine Gen. John Sattler optimistically declared at the time—than in spreading it out."

So you see, they are following a script, a very old script used many times in the past. Perhaps the officers and generals of King George's army thought the same thing.

Why would anyone want to create such suffering and trauma? Are they aware of the impact? Could they be engaged in a fight that will fail for a reason?

I think the answer is Yes. I think I think they and those that control them feed upon the emotional energy of suffering, manipulation, lies, and murder draped in freedom, nationalism and democracy.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Testing Blogger Again

We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make our world.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

US Passes Test - Totally Oblivious to Facts

Quote of the Day:

"To look is one thing, to see what you look at is another, to
understand what you see is a third, to learn from what you understand
is still something else, but to act on what you learn is all that
really matters."
~ Author Unknown ~

The recent of announcement that an Arab owned company was to take over security operations at some of the largest ports in the US caused a lot of voices to be raised in anger. Arabs, our enemies, in charge of port security? No way!

In an article in the American Chronicle Patricia DeGennaro discusses whether the rejection of this deal was congress finally speaking up

"Five years after 9-11 Congress somehow found their lost voice. It is a concern, however, that this voice seems to be riding high on fear and xenophobia and the Arab company DP World is the target."

or if this reaction was revenge.

"The bottom line is the Congress really doesn’t care about DP being Arab, they are angry. They gave the President broader powers and now he is using those powers without consulting them."

I don't think it is either. It was a test. Yes, a test to see just how well the citizens of the US have accepted the brainwashing, lies, and smokescreen set up to demonize the Arab people and those of the Moslem faith.

It looks like this author has swallowed the lies hook, line and sinker. While she does not think the Dubai based company should be faulted for merely being from an Arab country she does write:

"There are plenty of things that the Congress could address in order to “get” the US President. Issues that, unfortunately for them, are not safe. Even so, they would help this country move out of the current war quagmire."

"One is seriously debating the war and developing a plan to end it."

Seriously debating the war? What's there to debate? The war is based on lies. It is an illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation. It's a bloodbath ... but let's debate.

"Another would be to promptly find a just solution for the captives in Guantanamo and ending accusations of abuse there once and for all."

The only just solution for the prisoners at Guantanamo, who are being held illegally, is to let them go. But this is only an option for those who do not believe the original lie that Arabs conducted the 9-11 terror attacks.

"And instead of ranting about security, start holding yourselves and the Administration accountable for it. Using DP World or anyone else as a scapegoat for US security failures only excuses the American government from doing its job."

Take a look at this article if you want to read about US security failures and scapegoats.

Yep. I'd say that the US has passed the test and proved that it is functioning based upon erroneous facts, emotionally manipulated by nationalism and totally oblivious to the pain and horror inflicted in the name of democracy and freedom.

Business as usual for the Pathocrats.