The New Inquisition
Quote of the Day:
" To the Israeli oligarchs, the death of Palestinian civilians is "superb", and they feel nothing when they kill women and children. What more can I say - either someone does something about these sick pyschopaths, or they, and their kind in Washington and around the world, will destroy us all."
~ Joe Quinn ~
If you remember the history you were fed in school, Neville Chamberlain and others tried to placate Hitler and his Nazis by allowing them to do just about anything they wanted to do. Prior to this there had been several none aggression pacts had been signed in particular the Kellogg-Briand Pact AKA Avalon Project. All of the words came to nothing and War came right in scheduale, surprising a sleeping public and making TPTB, including Prescott Bush very happy.
Though perhaps not literally or in the exact same fashion, History repeats itself. Most people can't see the similarities between what is now happening in the world and, in particular, in Gaza. Either they can't see it or they do not want to see it. The BBC and Newsweek, ever the slaves of TPTB, merely "favour the Isreali view" or conclude that the invasion of Gaza is a "familiar drill" and "it will be a long hot summer."
Here are a few exerpts from an article that tells the Truth. "Racism, Not Defence, At the Heart Of Israeli Politics" by Joe Quinn.
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert came out and publicly stated something that every unbiased observer of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has privately known for many years: that, to the Israeli oligarchs, the life of an Israeli citizen is "more important" than that of a Palestinian.
Speaking of the recent mass murders by the Israeli army of Palestinian civilians in Gaza (murders which Olmert blamed on Hamas beause of the continued firing of harmless 'qassam' rockets at the Israeli town of Sderot ) Olmert said: "I am deeply sorry for the residents of Gaza, but the lives, security and well-being of the residents of Sderot is even more important."
Of course, Olmert's comment, and the deep-seated racism at the heart of Israeli politics that it seems to expose, can be rationalised with the claim that it is not unreasonable that an Israeli Prime Minister would be more concerned about the lives of Israeli citizens than those of the Palestinian 'enemy'. After all, this is "war", is it not? Well, yes and no.
Yes, if your definition of "war" is:
• to dispossess an entire people from large parts of their land
• shepherd them into refugee camps
• exile others and refuse them a right to return
• manipulate international opinion via the mainstream press and demonise the dispossessed people as terrorists when they resist your brutal measures against them
• deprive them of any real means to resist yet when they do manage to strike back, portray them as being a greater source of evil than you
• isolate them from any international aid and begin a process of slowly making their lives into a living hell
• periodically murder them, including many children to an average of 600 per year and then lie about it and ensure that their suffering is played down in the international mainstream press.
The simple fact of the matter is that , if the Israeli government was truly only concerned with protecting Israeli citizens and bore no visceral, racist hatred towards Palestinians, then we would surely be much further along the road to a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But it is hard to convince anyone that your primary goal is defence when:
• your air force fires 1,000 missiles per week at a 7x30 mile strip of land (Gaza) that is home to over 1.4 million impoverished people (Palestinians), 50% of whom are under the age of 15.
• 3012 Palestinian Civilians have been killed by Israeli Occupation Forces forces in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since the beginning of the Palestinian uprising (Intifada) in 2000.
• 22,750 Palestinians have been wounded by Israeli Occupation Forces in the Gaza Strip and West Bank in the same period.
Newsweek BBC New Inquistion Racism Politics Society News and Politics Invasion of Gaza Genocide World Apathy
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