Monday, November 20, 2006

Is Bush Responsible?

Quote of the Day:

"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."
~ John F. Kennedy ~

"When someone asked Kennedy, "What kind of a President will you be? Liberal or conservative?", he replied, "I hope to be responsible." Can the same be said about the "man" who sits in the White House today? How 'responsible' is he? Or perhaps, in reviewing the Kennedy Assassination, the question needs to be, "how responsible was his father, George H. W. Bush?

Have you ever heard or read the following facts?

- Although he does not recall when asked, George (Herbert Walker) Bush was in Dallas the day JFK was assassinated.

- Bush lies about the fact that he was a high-ranking CIA official at the time of JFK's death.

- Bush allowed the escape of a convicted terrorist from prison to go to work for him as an undercover CIA asset in Iran-Contra.

- Bush has released another convicted terrorist.

- Both these terrorists were present on Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963.

- Both these terrorists were convicted for killing 73 people by blowing up an airliner.

- Bush is personal friends with a close associate of these convicted terrorists, who was also a participant in Iran Contra.

- Bush has taken a leading role as CIA official in structuring/organizing these terrorists in effective organizations.

Just go to the link Is the Bush family implicated in the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tunnel Vision

Quote of the Day:

“All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.”
~ John F. Kennedy ~

Consider the state of the world and then go over to continue reading the series on Kennedy.

In her next article, The Gladiator: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Laura Knight-Jadczyk describes the historical background of the creation of the corporate states of america as outlined in the so called constitution, the 'saving grace" of the Bill of Rights and provides another excerpt from the book "Farewell America."

"Those who met for the Constitutional Convention were, and knew they were, the elite -- wealthy, educated and intellectual. They believed that others like them must continue to rule for their own protection. The public good was a secondary issue. (If it was an issue at all.) They meant to create a system in which this could be perpetuated, constitutionally, legally, and peacefully.

Adopting strictest rules of secrecy, they proceeded to create the American Constitution. M.L. Wilson wrote in Democracy Has Roots, that the Constitution was "a remarkable achievement in the avoidance of majority rule." It is not surprising that the ratification of this Constitution was popularly opposed. The conventioners promised to amend it at the first regular session of Congress. These promised amendments came to be known as the "Bill of Rights" and it is in these first ten amendments that Americans have their supposed "Constitutional Rights." A sobering thought when one considers that amendments have been repealed in the past.

But for the "Bill of Rights," hundreds of years of blood-letting for personal liberty would have been tossed on the trash heap by the new American Federal Government. This new "Constitutional" government, rapidly propagated the ideals of materialism and capitalism. And, in a process of unadulterated propaganda, these ideals have been inextricably linked with "democracy" as though the two were identical. The result of this has been a vast chasm between the "haves" and the "have-nots" which grows wider and deeper every day, while the former continue to dupe the latter into believing in and sacrificing their lives for that which does not exist and never did.

John Kennedy knew all of this. He was intelligent, well-educated, well-traveled, observant and, most of all, he had a heart; conscience. Let's take another look at a passage from Farewell America that recounts what happens to Empires that start on the path that was taken the day John Fitzgerald Kennedy died. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. On one, bright sunny day in Dallas Texas, 43 years ago, America was on the path to the top of the mountain and in less than a minute, everything changed; now, it is doomed to the abyss of despair."

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Camelot is Gone

Quote of the Day:

"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on."
John F. Kennedy

They say there is nothing new under the sun, so sometimes it is hard to see from the perspective of past lessons. In that respect, history can be very instructive. And in this time and place of endless war, death, and destruction visiting an earlier era can assist us in seeing how far down into the chasm of chaos we have already decended.

I'm talking about a blog from Laura Knight-Jadczyk detailing from a historical perspective the crime of the century.

The first post in the series on John F. Kennedy is entitled "The Debris of History." In this article Knight-Jadczyk presents us with exerpts from the book "Farewell America" by the pseudonymous author, James Hepburn. Her own poignant thoughts on the assassination of Kennedy bear witness to what most US citizens have forgotten.

"With remarkable skill and insight, the book outlines the overall situation in America at the time, and describes the players and most probable conspirators involved in the horrific and brutal public execution of probably the best president America ever had. There are many reasons to think that George H.W. Bush was involved in the plot, and today, having placed his idiot son on the throne, the world is as far away from that world we could be living in had Kennedy lived, that it is like we all died back then, and now we have awakened in Hell.

They weren't satisfied to just kill Jack Kennedy; they went for his brother as well. And when John-John grew up and began to display the same characteristics of his father: decency, intellect, and a sense of obligation to help others, he had to die also. The situation actually has all the makings of an immortal myth: the good and noble Prince snatched from his cradle and replaced with the psychopathic offspring of an ogre.

I don't know if it is only me noticing these things, but it seems all the GOOD heroes are dead; and we notice that they all had three things in common: an ability to move the masses by their simple presence, a feeling of unity with all people regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or social status; and the most important of all, the thing that meant they had to die: they were totally opposed to War. Is it too "conspiracy minded" to point this out? To wonder how the human race has had such inexplicable bad luck to have lost all it's decent, anti-War heroes?

Well, anyway, we are left now to our own devices; or rather, at the mercy of the ravening, bloodthirsty wolves that took away from all of us the best hope we ever had: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, tearing him to bloody pieces right before our eyes.

And what did America do?

Nothing. And on the day that the American people allowed their president to die on the street, a victim of the filthiest examples of deviant humanity ever to take human form, and NOT rise up en masse to demand that the killers be brought to justice, that is the day America died."