Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Cozy Chair?

Quote of the Day:
To refuse a lie is to stand against the mechanical nature of ourselves and the world, to stand firm against the descending current of the stream of entropy.
~ Henry See ~

For some reason, today is not such a great day. Not that any day has to be great and not that any day can't just be particularly difficult. It is just another 'off day' in a long line of 'off days.' Thought to check the biorhythm chart just to see if there was any correlation. Nothing special here, low physical energy with mastery and passion coasting in neutral while emotional, mental and wisdom are, supposedly, on a high point.

The bio chart didn't really tell me anything and actually, I'm very skeptical about the high points. I certainly don't fell very wise or intelligent. A bit emotional? Maybe.

Well ... emotions could be the cause. After reading the news on the internet I feel a bit bummed out. Why, however, should this day be any different than any other day?

Perhaps it has to do with deception and the slow steady rise of entropy. It is like a great weight pressing down, bit by bit, squeezing the life energy out of everything, forming it into one hard, contracted little ball all the while saying, "This is mine. This is for me and no one else can have any of it unless I say so."

It's all about control and possession. Try reading the news with those two concepts in mind. Here is a sample:

Okay. The world is a mess and has been that way since the beginning of what is called 'recorded time.'

Then I came upon an essay called "Who Speaks for the Truth?" Here is an exerpt:

We received the following email from a reader:

A quote from the sign

"We are neither liberal nor conservative, neither left nor right. We strive to present the news from the point of view of the Soul. Our concern is how the events on the planet, not only those within the US, affect our spiritual evolution"

please tell me how this is helping evolution of spirit with comments and songs like this by the sign of the times

"If you like music but don't like Bush, then check out the latest Signs of the Times production, You Lied. The words are now translated into French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese."

All I see is the same finger point and hateful comments that the bush and his people do. How does this make anyone better? How does it help us grow?

Is this how we help the spiritual evolution?

Do you think that these type of games are childish?

The truth speaks for itself it does not need childish comments or games. The truth is harder to see when you add your games.

We are here for the truth.

s. (United States)

"The truth speaks for itself" according to our letter-writer. We are curious to know how S. thinks this transparency of the truth works. We hope he will reply and explain because our experience shows us that finding the truth is very hard work, and let us be clear that we do not think that we "have" the truth.

Perhaps we have different understanding or definition of what is meant by the word "truth" than our reader, and he will be able to clarify that for us. For our part, finding the truth is a process of acquiring knowledge about our world in order to have the most accurate description, analysis, and understanding of our reality as possible, as close as we can come to an objective view and understanding of that reality. As we say, knowledge protects.

As we work to acquire this knowledge, we learn that there are others who are actively at work to hide the truth, to suppress it, to wrap it up in a thousands lies, and this occurs in every domain where man sets his hand.

There are many different levels to knowledge. There is scientific knowledge in the language of mathematics such as the equations that describe quantum and classical physics. Obviously more needs to be done to create the theory that will embrace the two. Such a theory might well put ideas of hyperdimensions on a firm scientific foundation so that we could understand more of the various anomalous manifestations that are described in myth and legend, as well as of modern Fortean phenomena. It might even permit us to move in different ways through space/time.

Another scientific understanding that is sorely lacking is the description of the human body that would give us a scientific understanding of the alchemical transformation. Were our understanding of physics complete, then it might also help us to comprehend our place in the grand scheme of the cosmos and show how, where, and why the alchemical transformation fits into it.

These are only a few examples, but there is quite clearly much, much more work to be done to arrive at these mathematical and scientific descriptions of reality.

Moving to a level of reality with which we are more familiar, we come to our planet and in our solar system. We know almost nothing about these systems. There are discoveries made regularly that put into question our understanding of the solar system. The Voyager spacecraft, having left the solar system, is encountering a drag on its movement that current theory cannot explain. There are conflicting theories as to the formation of the solar system, not to mention the possibility of electrical transference between celestial objects. Is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter the remains of a planet that blew up long ago? Is there life on other planets of our system, or was there? Might this life once have been similar to ours, with beings that might pass as "men"?

These are not questions with easy answers. We think that working towards the truth means working to find them without excluding answers that might appear to us unbelievable beforehand.

Moving from the heavens to our own planet, what do we really know of its history or of the history of mankind? There is a truism that history is written by the victors, but to what extent do we take that into account when we learn or recite the history that we consider "ours"? There is general agreement that Hitler was a madman. As we look back to the Germany of the 1930's, we pause to ask how it was that a "madman" could have become the leader of a country that had produced so many of the lasting works of European culture? To what extent does the victor's portrayal of "Hitler as madman" now hinder us from seeing what is happening in the United States?

Moreover, there are people alive today who were alive when Hitler came to power who can give us first-hand reports, and yet we still fall victim to simplistic explanations of "a madman". How much more problematic is it, then, when we look at events that occurred two or three hundred years ago, the American revolution for example? Or two thousand years ago when a man who has come to be known as Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth? Hundreds of millions of people believe the "history" of the gospels. How easy is it to see the truth of the life of the man known as Jesus amidst the passions and belief structures built on his name?

And what if we go back many, many thousands of years?

Is the myth of Atlantis only a myth, or were there flesh and blood Atlanteans behind the myth, people similar to ourselves who may have faced the same pressures and choices, finding themselves on the verge of a catastrophe that destroyed them? If so, are there things we could learn from that history so that we might make different choices to avert the catastrophe our civilisation appears to be racing towards with such nonchalance?

And were there other civilisations prior to that? How would it change our ideas of ourselves and of our species if we were to learn that we are but one of a long line of civilisations that have risen and fallen, stretching back hundreds of thousands of years, civilisations that destroyed themselves or came to a firey end due to planetary cataclysmes? Would we learn some humility?

Bringing ourselves very close to home, there is another level of knowledge that comprises the level of knowledge of ourselves. Many people identify very strongly with their bodies. They believe that when the body dies, they will die, that nothing will continue to exist except in the memories of those who knew them. Western culture is very much under the sway of such a conception of existence with its emphasis on technological toys that are said to improve our way of life. What they mean by this is that it improves our physical existence by automizing large parts of it, but at what cost to other aspects of ourselves?

But are we really no more than bits of flesh and bone animated by a high level of complexity achieved through evolution?

Others believe that life continues in another form, be it in Heaven at the right hand of the Almighty, or as a long series of incarnations. Is there a way of making the choice between these options clearer, a way of weighing the decision through the acquisition of knowledge?

Perhaps, here, there can never be any response given with certainty because it would interfere with our free will, our ability to chose based upon our level of being. Perhaps life must be ambiguous on some level to permit us to develop our capacity to discern between fact and illusion, between truth and wishful thinking.

Here we come to what is, for us, fundamental: who we are, that is, our level of BEing, determines what we SEE. Who we are determines how close we are able to come to perceiving reality objectively, uninfluenced by our socialization, our education, by the programmes laid down in our central nervous systems during our early years. This realisation opens up a new understanding of our work to achieve a scientific understanding of the world because it may well be that only people who have undertaken the work on themselves necessary to be able to see themselves as objectively as possible will be able to come to an objective understanding of the deeper mysteries of the universe.

In this sense, even if the truth did speak for itself, it would fall upon deaf ears until we developed our ability to listen to it.

If the description of the inner make-up of our species as given by the alchemists, by Gurdjieff and in the teachings of esoteric Christianity, and in other esoteric traditions is correct, the truth that speaks is within ourselves, it is part of those higher centres with which we have long lost contact. The work of rooting out our programmes, our subjectivity, is what clears the channels so to speak to permit us to reestablish the link with our higher self.

Our experience has shown us that one way to do the work on the self to renew this link is to watch our world as closely as we can. The editors of the Signs page are not mathematical physicists who can work out the equations of the grand "Theory of Everything". But we can work on a different level by bringing to light the lies and manipulations in the social world. We are not taught in school a true history of our planet or of the development of human civilisations. We are not taught about the cyclic catastrophes that wreak destruction on human society. We are not taught that our leaders regularly lie to us in order to keep us under their spell. We are not taught about ourselves in ways to make us critical thinkers with an accurate knowledge of how what is commonly known as our psychology works. We are not taught to see the material world as a place where we have lessons to learn before we are able to move on; we are taught to wallow in its sensual pleasures, taught that this is all there is, so make the most of it while you're here.

Yes, there are religious and philosophical systems that would have us place more emphasis on questions of the spirit, but most people pay lip service to them, if they pay any attention to them at all.

Finally, we come to the point that in our world there are forces actively at work hiding, obscuring, and muddying the truth. One of the arms in this battle is programming us with ideas such as "the truth speaks for itself".

If the truth speaks for itself, then why do so few people see it?

Why do so few people see it? We are enamored with our selves, our habits, our certainty that black is black and white is white and we know who the good guys are because they wear white hats. We enjoy the chemical rush of unbridled emotion surging through our veins. We are captives of the physical body, machines, robots, and we love it. We love it because we can not conceive of anything being any different.

Until we begin to seek the truth within and rewrite the programs deception will taste sweet and entropy will be a cozy chair to curl up on and go to sleep.

Suddenly, sit back and relax takes on a whole new meaning.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Script

Quote of the Day:
"Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened."
~ Winston Churchill ~

Lately, I've heard quite a few people complain they were having trouble with their memory. Some chalk it up to being overworked. Financial stress is a close second with relationships following right behind. Others are just tired. Well, not just tired, damn tired. So damn tired they just can't get up the energy to do a damn thing. Memory? What the hell is that? You have to stop what your doing to remember and who has the time?

When you begin to work with a compost pile memory becomes important. It helps to remember as much as you can in order to learn the nature of the compost and how the ingredients were created before you try to decide what you what to do with it. If you don't understand something you can't really do anything with it, can you?

But, what are we remembering when we 'remember?' Is memory 'true' or can it be tricked? Do we see what we want to see, what we have been taught to see, what we have been conditioned to see or do we attempt to See the Objective Truth?

TPTB understand the value of memory and how it can become distorted over time both deliberately and accidently. They also understand the use of fear of pain and physical death in manipulating memory.

I guess that is why the London bombings have followed 'The Script.' The events surrounding the acts of terror, both on 9/11 and 7/7, have so much in common it seems riduculous. Here is a list compiled from various sites:

  • A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.
  • This is precisely what happened on the morning of 9/11/2001. The CIA was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning. (link)
  • The cover stories are flying thick and fast as British investigators try to put some kind of cap on the London attacks.
  • It turns out, if you believe the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale, that actual IDs of bombers were found in separate piles of rubble at the sites of the blasts.
  • These IDs must have been engraved deeply in three-foot-thick steel.
  • Remember the 9/11 hijacker passport that floated out of the crashing jetliner on 9/11 and landed intact on a New York street? (link)
  • But MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the message was later posted on a secular Web site, noted that the claim of responsibility contained an error in one of the Quranic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim may be phony, he said. (link)
  • Army Radio quoting unconfirmed reliable sources reported a short time ago that Scotland Yard had intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred.
  • The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit. (link)

Then there is this tidbit of information which has not received much notice. Coincidence? Maybe.

There is one thing that the PTB may have finally learned. Dead men tell no tales. Eight of the 9/11 hijackers are still alive. The men being framed for the London bombings were killed along with other innocent people.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Act Two

Quote of the Day:
"I detest that man, who hides one thing in the depths of his heart,
and speaks forth another."
~ Homer ~

A lot of bloggers on the internet have been watching and waiting for the other shoe to drop. With Bush's popularity at an all time low, some, including this writer, thought it might happen here in the US. Geez, it's so easy to forget how an infection of panicked patriotism can be spread by the MSM. The inoculating event may have happened over three years ago but the response, no matter where it occurs within the world's body, remains strong.

The newest terror incident has arrived at just the right time. Both Bush and Blair will receive the boost that accompanies the emotional fires of rage, fear and bloodthirsty vengeance lit within the public mind. Most of all the issues of treason related to the Downing Street Memos and the Rove's Revenge will fade from short term memory in the US to be replaced, once again, by the 9/11 terrorist meme. British troops will remain in Iraq and citizens in the US will feel relief as more laws are passed for their "protection."

A lot of people seem to forget the the false flag operations: The Lavon affair and the Attack on the USS LIberty to name just two instances where Isreal and Massad was actually responsible for acts of terror, not the Arabs.

How easy to forget an unpleasant truth and replace it with a popular belief. Emotional manipulation happens all the times in ordinary life. Take, for example, the 'Yes, Dear Syndrome.' You don't really want to go to the mall but you will to keep the peace. Then, in the middle of an argument, that boring stroll becomes ammunition called "How often have I done things for you that I didn't like?'

How quickly we forget or twist the truth when our personal interests are involved.

You can read the latest info on the PTB latest actions along with a lot of other interesting ideas and research here.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Sing for Truth

Quote of the Day:
A protest song is a song that's so specific that you cannot mistake it for bullshit.
~ Phil Ochs, from the liner notes of The Broadside Tapes ~

Live 8 concert has come and gone just like the Fourth of July. No fireworks at either of them though. A lot of people probably had a good time with the music, the partying and backyard barbecues. I sometimes wonder how many of them real think about what they are celebrating and why.

The Live 8 concert is supposed to be raising aid for Africa. I bet none of the ticket holders knew that the concerts in England started out with a list of only white musicians. Yep, not one black or African person was invited to preform until someone pointed this curious state of affairs out to the developer.

As for the Fourth... I guess someone forgot to point out that the US is currently being run by a liar who is responsible for the deaths of thousands. How the heck can anyone celebrate the birth of a country whose settlers have been involved in genocide and inciting war for profit before it was even conceived? I guess it's a case of "But Mom, everybody else is doing it."

Cosmic Iguana has noticed that US flag lapel pins are beginning to disappear. Could this be a subtle hint or (gasp) some form of protest to theWarmongers?

Speaking of protest, take a look and listen to the latest newly published protest song ready for downloading. It has already been translated into four languages and includes guitar chords!

Here are the lyrics:

You told the world Saddam had chemical bombs
To kill us in our homes, and on our farms
You said he sent his men into the heavens
big planes crashing down, September 11

You lied, You lied,
People died, When Bush lied

I've got some questions, wipe that smirk off your face
Betraying your people, that's a real disgrace
See I'm having a hard time finding that plane
that you said hit the Pentagon, bursting into flames
Vapourising the aircraft, didn't leave no remains
But the bodies appear not to burn quite the same

More lies Yeah, yeah, more lies
America died, When Bush lied

And talk about mir'cles, did you see how they fell,
the three towers in New York, those charges worked well
Flattened out in a straight line, just like it was planned
Did you think we were so stupid that we wouldn't understand
And it's a pity about the folks there on Flight 93,
Just as they took back control, you blew them to smithereens

You lied, You lied
Heroes died, when Bush lied

You say Osama is living in a place you have traced
But you don't go and get him, it seems such a waste
Could it be it's because he's still one of your men
A C-I-A asset just like he was then
He endorsed your campaign in a last minute pitch
Is he just one more man who has gotten quite rich

From your lies, Your lies
Freedom died, from your lies

How about those Israelis dancing to their success,
On the rooftops of Jersey, they created a mess
So you sent them back home with a slap on the wrist
Told the cops not to bother, 'cause they don't exist

It's a lie, You lied
Justice died, when you lied

Now people are dying through your crimes in Iraq
You've killed more than Saddam, though you don't care to keep track
Cause they're only some Arabs in a faraway land
That Yahweh has promised to his chosen band
While Sharon and his cronies pull on your strings
When he opens his mouth your whole government sings

His lies, His lies
Palestinians die, With Bush lies

Next time you talk to your God, I've got a question for him
What side is he on or does it change on a whim'
There's a whole lot of people, suff'rin here in his name
What kind of pyscho is he that he's playing this game
It sounds more like the devil is guiding your hand
Destruction and death are the plagues of the land

of your lies, your lies
Children die, When Bush lies

You see, Mr President, there's something amiss
Two elections you lost, but you overcame this
By rigging the vote, not counting the blacks
You've ensured two full terms, the dry drunk is back
And now they're changing the laws to get you a third
The brown shirts are charging at the front of the herd

of your lies, your lies
Democracy dies, When Bush lies

The question remains what can we do about this
Most people refuse to consider this list
They're lost in illusion, can't recognise proof
so we offer this song to all who stand for the truth

No more lies, No more lies
Must we all die, Because of your lies

No more lies, No more lies
Must we all die, Because of your lies

Your lies...

You lied

Happy Birthday, America

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Black is White - Lies are Truth

Quote of the Day:
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200
years. Those nations always progress through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith,
from spiritual faith to great courage,
from great courage to liberty,
from liberty to abundance,
from abundance to selfishness,
from selfishness to complacency,
from complacency to dependency,
from dependency back into bondage."

~ Alexander Fraser Tytler Lord Woodhouselee ~

I apologize, to anyone who might be reading this blog, for the long silence. After moving I was offline for over a month. Was actually a little bit surprised that I did not experience internet withdrawal. Although I rarely got to the library to read email, favorite sites and news the lack of internet access did not seem to bother me. There is so much to observe and learn from real life that, with the exception of news and email, not using the internet did not really matter much.

Looking around at the world, I can see that the Bush/Neocon Lying Machine has been working none stop to keep the US soundly asleep. The people I work with usually watch the TV news and the lies of omission are particularly glaring. A person who doesn't read the internet probably wouldn't be aware of this though.

One night, the Downing Street Memos were casually mentioned as a passing remark by the BBC. When I finally got to the library and the internet, my favorite news and commentary site, Signs of the Times had already posted their usual thought provoking analysis along with several articles.

It's been two weeks and all is quite. Not much has been said except, of course, for the partisan politics. The American people are, basically, silent and, I suspect, a good number of them are in full blown cognitive dissonance. What started with Galloway's speech on the Hill and the latest revelation in the 9/11 coverup might prove to be too much of a shock.

There was a quite, little rumble in DC courtesy of Rep, John Conyers, which lead nowhere. The media is ignoring any evidence that Bush has lied and digging the grave deeper, acting as if they are brain damaged by being bludguned about the head by the idea of a Project for a New American Centuary.

It maybe that the people who are waking up will begin to speak up. It maybe that they will curl up for awhile with despair and then explode. It maybe that this Fourth of July will be witness to another 'attack on our freedoms' as a gift of proof from the Powers That Be that will convince the people that the US needs to continue the blood sacrifice of war and extend it around the world in the guise of 'democracy'.

Reading this transcript from an interview with Scott McClellan gives an idea of the amount of denial and wishful thinking present in the White House. Then again, maybe it isn't denial, maybe they are in the process of changing the way 'reality' is interpreted in the US.

White House Press Secretary Mocks 'Downing Street Memo'
Editor and Publisher
June 16 2005

NEW YORK With a hearing about to begin on Capitol Hill on the so-called Downing Street Memo, hosted by Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), reporters at today's White House briefing by Press Secretary Scott McClellan naturally raised the subject, albeit briefly.

Rather than ask about details or implications of the 2003 internal British document -- which seemed to suggest that the Bush administration was determined to go to war against Iraq and that intelligence would be “fixed” to support it -- the correspondents wondered if the White House was ever going to respond to a letter authored by Conyers and signed by 88 of his colleagues asking for information about the memo.

A transcript of two separate exchanges follows:


Q: Scott, on another topic, has the President or anyone else from the administration responded to the letter sent last month by Congressman John Conyers and signed by dozens of members of the House of Representatives, regarding the Downing Street memo? Has the President or anyone else responded?

McCLELLAN: Not that I'm aware of.

Q: Why not?

McCLELLAN: Why not? Because I think that this is an individual who voted against the war in the first place [Conyers] and is simply trying to rehash old debates that have already been addressed. And our focus is not on the past. It's on the future and working to make sure we succeed in Iraq.

These matters have been addressed, Elaine. I think you know that very well. The press --

Q: Scott, 88 members of Congress signed that letter.

McCLELLAN: The press -- the press have covered it, as well.

Q: But, Scott, don't they deserve the courtesy of a response back?

McCLELLAN: Again, this has been addressed….


Q: Scott, on John Conyers, John Conyers is walking here with that letter again, as you have acknowledged from Elaine's comment. But 88 leaders on Capitol Hill signed that letter. Now, I understand what you're saying about him, but what about the other 88 who signed this letter, wanting information, answers to these five questions?

McCLELLAN: How did they vote on the war -- the decision to go to war in Iraq?

Q: Well, you have two -- well, if that's the case, you have two Republicans who are looking for a timetable. How do you justify that?

McCLELLAN: I already talked about that.

Q: I understand, but let's talk about this.

McCLELLAN: Like I said --

Q: Well, just because -- I understand -- but if you're talking about unifying and asking for everyone to come together, why not answer, whether they wanted the war or not, answer a letter where John Conyers wrote to the President and then 88 congressional leaders signed? Why not answer that?

McCLELLAN: For the reasons I stated earlier. This is simply rehashing old debates that have already been discussed.

Comment: Solid smoking gun proof that they lied to the American people to start a war that killed 1700 American troops and at least a hundred thousand Iraqis and they call it 're-hashing an old debate' - these monsters' arrogance is only matched by their blood lust and perversion.