Sunday, December 18, 2005

Lie Pie

Quote of the Day

Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now --
~ Albert Schweitzer ~

Doug Thompson of Capital Hill Blues speculates on how and why Bush has decided to 'tell the truth.' Maybe he is not speculating; maybe he has solid inside info that is the basis for his article.

Dec 14, 2005, 07:14

As the dank grayness of late fall and early winter settled in over the Nation’s Capital, a winter storm of its own raged inside the White House.

George W. Bush’s senior advisors, frantic over what to do about the President’s plummeting approval numbers, argued over conflicting strategies. The President’s attempt to use Veterans Day as a rallying cry for his war in Iraq, fell flat on a skeptical public and attempts to paint Democratic Congressman John Murtha, an honored Vietnam war veteran, as unpatriotic brought disapproval.

In conversations with White House aides, GOP advisors and others close to the Bush administration, all of whom insist on anonymity for fear of retaliation from a President who views such actions as treason, a portrait of a White House torn by turf battles and finger pointing emerges. Yet, amid all this debate, a classic case of “good cop/bad cop” political strategy emerged.

Presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card, considered one of the saner voices within the administration, argued against attacking Murtha or other planned attempts by Presidential political guru Karl Rove to paint Democrats as cowards for opposing the war in Iraq.

Card, instead, pushed a plan to put Bush on the road with a new series of speeches where the President would admit some mistakes in the Iraq war but argue that the U.S. must remain committed to the war and see it through.

The plan angered Rove who never wants the President to admit error.

“Admitting mistakes is a sign of weakness,” Rove argued. “George W. Bush's strong points are his leadership, his steadfastness, his resolve. You can’t weaken that with a ‘we were wrong’ strategy.”

Rove wanted to step up attacks on Democrats, castigating them for advocating withdrawal from Iraq and painting them as un-American for opposing the war.

“We’ve tried that,” Card shot back. “It didn’t work.”

Rove argued that the plan would work if the White House didn’t quit changing strategy every time new poll numbers came in.

Bush, forced to choose between conflicting plans from two trusted aides, decided to give Card’s idea a try. His first speech met with lukewarm views but his poll numbers showed a slight bump. So the White House booked more speeches with Bush showing determination mixed with just enough admission of error.

Some might find the information fascinating. I think it is terrifying. These are the actions of psychopaths. And they are not just running this country, they are ruling the world.

In her book, "The Sociopath Next Door," Dr. Martha Stout describes Conscience as the Seventh Sense and states:

"When conscience falls into a profound trance, when it sleeps through acts of torture, war and genocide, political leaders and other prominent individuals can make the difference between a gradual reawakening of our seventh sense and a continued amoral nightmare. History teaches that attitudes and plans coming from the top dealing pragmatically with problems of hardship and insecurity in the group, rather than scapegoating an out group, can help us return to a more realistic view of the "others." In time, moral leadership can make a difference.

But history shows us also that a leader with no seventh sense can hypnotize the group conscience still further, redoubling catastrophe. Using fear-based propaganda to amplify a destructive ideology, such a leader can bring the members of a frightened society to the It's as the sole impediment to the good life, for themselves and maybe even for humanity as a whole, and the conflict as an epic battle between good and evil.

Once these beliefs have been disseminated, crushing the It's without pity or conscience can, with chilling ease, become an incontrovertible mandate."

The success of the psychopath is based upon who believes the story. From what I have observed Bush, Sharon, the Neocons, Rove and every single one of the political figures involved in past and current evil have been very successful. I see believers in my family, in acquaintances, in strangers.

Yes, very successful indeed. They are all eating Lie Pie.

They simply can not believe in real evil. And so, they think Bush has turned over a new leaf, asked for forgiveness. All the while he is revving up the chain saw and getting ready to attack.


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