Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Sound of Silence

Quote of the Day:
"In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work does not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat."
~ Leon Trotsky ~

After thirteen days without food or water, Terry Schiavo has died. The "man" she was married to has said that she had told him she would not have wanted to live in a debilitated condition. There was no evidence or written testimony from Terry, only this "man's" word.

This "person" who loved her denied her any food or water for those last thirteen days.

It is reported that Terry died in a 'hospice' environment. This is very disturbing. Traditionally, hospice organizations are dedicated to providing palliative care to the terminally ill. Hospice services are provided through and regulated by the Federal Government. In order to be admitted to Hospice certain condition must be met.
"The purpose of the hospice benefit is to provide for the palliation or management of the terminal illness and related conditions. Under Federal guidelines, the hospice benefit is available to individuals who have been certified by a physician to be terminally ill. An individual is considered to be terminally ill if he/she has a medical prognosis that his or her life expectancy is 6 months or less." Center for Medicaid
Palliative care can be defined as pain control, a comfortable, familiar, safe environment and hydration or nutrition if possible. The American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine has issued a position statement on the administration of food and liquids to a dying person. The last sentence in this article states, "Clinical judgement and skill in assessment of individual clinical situations is necessary to determine when artificial hydration and nutrition are appropriate measures to apply."

In Terry's case, the only reason fluids and nutrition were withheld were at the insistence of her "husband." The "man" who said he loved her condemned her to death by ordering the feeding tube which sustained her life to be permanently removed.

Despite the bellowing of politicians and the vigils of friends and supporters, the one Truth concerning Terry Schiavo has not been spoken. She was not terminally ill. She was not dying.

The silence that surrounds the Unspoken Truth is deafening.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A Laugh a Day

Quote of the Day:

Now the gardener is the one who has seen everything ruined so many times
that (even as his pain increases with each loss) he comprehends - truly
knows - that where there was a garden once, it can be again, or where
there never was, there yet can be a garden.
~ Henry Mitchell ~

Viewing the world objectively can sometimes be a depressing. The way children are programmed into particular roles, whether through Barbie or the latest killing game, can knock one off the edge. Especially when you begin to see and understand how it worked on You.

I remember the games I played way back when. Now, double dutch is an ice cream and hide n seek is about nonexistent WMD. Sure do hope there are still a few kids out there who know the fun of jump rope.

Today, John Rappoport said that "depression is a reflection of the Four-Wall feeling. Surrounded on all sides. No way out."

If there is a way out it could be found by looking within and understanding how your machine has been programmed. This is the composting of Sacred Cow manure which nurtures the inner garden.

It's dirty work. And sometimes requires a good laugh. Humor seems to help in seeing the objective reality. When you can really laugh at your self and the little I's self importance begins to swirl down the drain.

If you left your objectivity at home or are taking your little I's too seriously, then you may not want to read the post over at AlterNet on the new dictionary being constructed which describes the current administrations attempt to rewrite certain words and phrases in a way which is favorable for them.

Below are some alternative definitions from the AlterNet piece. If you are really interested in researching the way words are being used to change a person's perception of 'reality' I suggest you take a look at this article which describes how definations are being changed to suit the purposes of social control.

"The definitions of numerous key concepts have changed and are changing ever more rapidly in the present day. This process seems to have begun with the additions of tertiary, or lesser, and slang definitions, shifting in the direction of the concepts the Deceiver wants to achieve. Although a gradual alteration in the spellings, pronunciations and meanings of words does occur naturally, in the process known as linguistic drift, it does not normally happen in so brief a span as a few decades. The speed with which this is occurring strongly suggests deliberate controls are being imposed on words."

On to "The Laughs"

Nationalism n: How foreigners love their country (when they do). A very dangerous phenomenon that can lead to extremes of passion, blindness, and xenophobia. (See, Terrorism)

Oil n: 1. Black gold. 2. (defunct acronym) Operation Iraqi Liberation or OIL (name changed to Operation Iraqi Freedom, OIF, without explanation). 3. What the Bush administration wasn't after in Iraq and isn't after in Iran. (See, Democracy)

Patriotism n: How Americans love their country. A trait so positive you can't have too much of it, and if you do, then you are a super-patriot which couldn't be better. (Foreigners cannot be patriotic. See, Nationalism)

Pentagon n: Formerly, the Defense Department, but since we now have a new defense department (see, Homeland Security Department), soon be renamed the Global Forward Deployment Department or GFDD (Ge-Fudd). Its forward-deployed headquarters will be established in a two-sided building, the Duogon, now being constructed in Bahrain out of sand imported from the beaches of Texas by Halliburton subsidiary KBR. From there, it plans to rule the known world.

Checks and Balances: The system whereby the campaign checks of the few balance the interests of the many.

Free Speech Zone: The area to which those who differ from the administration are confined should they be so audacious as to wish to exercise their right of free speech.

Free Press: 1. Government propaganda materials covertly funded with a quarter of a billion dollars of taxpayer money but given out for free to the press and then broadcast without any acknowledgment of the government's role in their preparation. 2. Newspapers that obscure the truth on behalf of corporate and government interests for free.

Town-hall Meeting: A meeting in a hall in a town where all the participants have first been vetted for loyalty to the Bush administration.

Mandate: 1. The opinion expressed by about a quarter of the eligible voters. 2. The opinion reflected in an electoral-vote margin smaller than in any 20th century election other than 1916 and 2000. 3. The opinion expressed by the smallest popular vote margin obtained by a sitting president since 1916.

Abuse n: Modern word for what was once referred to as torture. An interim term, soon to be replaced by "tough love" (which, in turn, is expected to be replaced by "freedom's caress").

Mullah n: 1. (archaic) Religious teacher or leader, a title of respect in Islamic countries, pronounced "mull-a." 2. (informal) In the modern presidential vernacular, a title of disrespect (pronounced "moo-lah") in reference to Muslims deemed too fanatical to be bought-off by American "moo-lah."

Rummy slang: 1. (archaic) A person so drunk he can't recall a thing. 2. (modern) A SECDEF so drunk on power that he refuses to remember anything.

Culture Humor Language Society

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Learning the Game?

Quote of the Day:
"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."

~ James Baldwin ~

Yahoo news has reported an attack on the Easter Bunny.
BAY CITY, Mich. - The Easter Bunny is hopping mad. Bryan Johnson, who portrays the furry character at the Bay City Mall, says he was pummeled in an unprovoked attack on the job. Police say the attacker was a 12-year-old boy who sat on Johnson's lap the day before the March 18 incident.

Johnson, 18, suffered a bloody nose. He kept his cool during the attack, deeming it inappropriate for the Easter Bunny to fight back. But he's not willing to forgive and forget.

"They (the sheriff's deputies) told me it was up to me, and I feel that the boy should be prosecuted," Johnson told The Bay City Times.

Johnson told Bay County Sheriff's deputies that the boy hit him in the face at least six times before running away.
This story would not have made much of an impression except for what I observed today. A couple of kids at a family gathering wanted to play with the X Box. This isn't such a big deal. Only problem is the Box belongs to a twenty year old and he does not have anything resembling Spyro the Dragon in his collection.

That didn't matter. The kids, a boy of twelve and a girl of six had received permission from their parents and wanted to play. The young man let them have a turn at '007', a parody of James Bond. No sex in this one though, so that 's not too bad. Is it?

Just a few minutes into the game and the six year old girl is screaming, "Kill him. Kill him! Kill him!!" with increasing gusto. The blood is flying and bodies falling... She loves it.

"Ah, they killed me. Quick, start over. I'll get them this time," she says.

At this point I was feeling nauseated and left the room.

You might say it's just a game. I think differently. Remember, this child is only six years old. The feminist police might show up at my door for saying this, but what ever happened to Barbie? Did she join the Special Forces and ship off to the Middle East?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Reprise: Da Vinci Code and the Priory of Sion

Quote of the Day:
Knowledge is like a garden: if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.
~ Proverb from Guinea ~

After reading a bunch of material on the Da Vinci Code, I requested the book through interlibrary loan. Might as well read the scandalous script before the movie arrives. This way, if the flick comes up in conversation, I will have a basic understanding of the story line.

In the meantime, another search brought up something called The Priory of Sion. This sect is extremely convoluted. Formed in 1956, supposed to have a lineage of Grand Masters which dates back to 1150, dedicated to returning the Merovingian dynasty to the thrones of Europe ... Oh oh, the Emperor of the World, currently residing in Washington DC, might not like that idea.

My favorite detective, Laura Knight Jadczyk, and the Quantum Future Group, uncover the facts behind the Priory of Sion. After reading this segment, I think I will leave the Da Vinci Code in the library and finish the entire Grail Quest series.

Monday, March 21, 2005

A Thief in the Night

Quote of the Day:
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

~ Anais Nin ~

It's hard to write when you can't think. It's hard to think when you don't sleep. It's hard to sleep when you can't breath.

Actually, the not breathing part is related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea which, I recently discovered, is the reason for the constant exhaustion, clumsiness and extreme brain fog in my life. Geez, I thought I was just really, really tired. It sure seemed like I was sleeping.

What I thought was eight hours of sleep was actually eight hours of fighting to breath. A sleep study revealed there was no real sleep. Oxygen levels fell to the low seventies with apnea occurring over 50 times in an hour.

An apnea is defined as ten seconds or more in which there is no breathing and no oxygen intake. Lets see - 50 x 10 =500 / 60 = 8.33 minutes without oxygen.

At that point I was probably getting ready to have the ultimate Out of Body experience. Fortunately, the good old body would come up for air. When I saw the report I was totally shocked. There's nothing like seeing a graph with data to provide a kick in the pants.

In the past, several people have told me "You breath funny when you sleep" or "Your snoring kept me awake." One of them even mentioned sleep apnea. This didn't faze me. I just kept swimming in the river of denial. "I'm strong; it's nothing," the "little I" told the self.

The current thrashed me around. Sometimes I was so tired even breathing was a chore. It felt like there wasn't even one molecule of ATP in my body. After consulting with a local nurse practitioner, a sleep study was done, OSA was diagnosed and CPAP was begun.

Every garden needs to be fertilized. Compost is an ideal way to introduce organic fertilizers into the system. Plants have a difficult time fending off bugs and competing with weeds if they do not have the proper soil. You can't just put the seeds into the ground and expect them to grow.

Human beings have similar requirements. Tending the inner garden is impossible if you are swirling in denial and lying to the self. The later, lying to the self, is one of the biggest impediments to awakening to objective reality and discovering the Truth of this world.

It's so easy to lie. It comes naturally and is a component of the mechanicalness by which we live our lives. Remember Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny? Cute little lies that bring a smile to a child's face. You might think these tales are innocent. But I think they play a part in preparing a young mind to believe bigger and better lies.

If you would like to learn more about OSA click the links mentioned above or read this extensive article by Dr. Robert Downey.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Better Late Than Never ?

Quote of the Day:
Vain are the thousand creeds

That move men's hearts, utterably vain;
Worthless as wither'd weeds,
Or idlest froth amid the boundless main.
~ Emily Bronte ~

A statement made yesterday, by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, has labeled the Da Vinci Code as rotten food, full of gross falsehoods which could lead the faithful astray. He says the book is "the latest in a series of devastating attacks against Christianity."

In other words, it might have them think nasty thoughts about the chastity of Jesus. As for those attacks, the Cardinal should look at company he keeps. The LA Times reports he attended the Genoa conference where he announced his news to the faithful with one Massimo Introvigne.

The cold compost heap at the Vatican is building higher and deeper and Bertone can't contain it by trying to pretend indignation at a novel of fiction when pedophilia and possibly murder are a part of what he is, supposedly, trying to protect.

It seems to me he protests too much, too late and thinks of himself as some sort of savior when he states, "I have arrived too late. Millions of copies have been sold. I can't hope to slow down sales but at least to prompt a critical response."

A critical response to what? A novel of fiction based on speculation with a little bit of lust thrown in to make the plot juicer?

Perhaps Cardinal Bertone is announcing his upcoming coronation with this outburst. Vatican Radio is also known as "The Pope's Voice." The current pope is in such poor physical condition he can hardly speak. No ... forget that idea. The Vatican is too similar to the current US. All of the real power operates behind the curtain.

A funny thought has crossed my mind. If the Vatican has read the article concerning the Da Vinci Code which was mentioned here last week, it probably had a conniption.

Just think for a moment. What is it that both the Vatican and The Powers That Be really fear? Could it be the idea that some people are waking up to the lies and manipulations? Could it be that serious investigations and research are uncovering the Truth concerning Free Will and it's place in the 'reality' called life?

Read the article to find out.

And, while it is fresh in my mind, take a look at the book which contains the article, The Secret History of The World and How To Get Out Alive. From what I understand, it is 867 pages of material guaranteed to make you think.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Peak Oil and Other Plans

Quote of the Day:

Presently we pass to some other object which rounds itself into a whole as did the first; for example, a well-laid garden; and nothing seems worth doing but the laying-out of gardens.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

Well, it looks like the Powers That Be are gearing up for another Big Lie to divert the attention of the average US citizen towards another nationalistic frenzy to protect the American Way of Life. The Peak Oil agenda has made it to mainstream media time.

The idea of oil becoming scarce to nonexistent is not new. Schools have taught that oil is a nonrenewable fossil fuel formed by decaying dinosaurs and the environment they lived in. At least this is what I remember and the US Department of Energy corroborates the notion.

There is a lot of discussion on the internet concerning Peak Oil. An article I referenced a while back had some very good information. The Peak Oil debate may lead to another sort of agenda which, perhaps, Mr. Rupert has let out of the bag.

In Exposing the Bog Con, Joe Quinn mentions Rupert's suggestions on how to return to a balanced state of living:

By his own admission, the following are Mike’s core beliefs about what needs to be done:

Instead of advocating war I oppose it. Anyone who has attended any of my more than 35 lectures in eight countries (more than 15,000 live audience members) will know, of a certainty, that my position on solutions is absolutely clear. I advocate an immediate cessation of all military conquest and imperialism by the US government and industrialized powers; an end to the war on terror.

I advocate an immediate convening of political, economic, spiritual and scientific leaders from all nations to address the issue of Peak Oil (and Gas) and its immediate implications for economic collapse, massive famine and climate destruction (partially as a result of reversion to coal plants which accelerate global warming). This would, scientifically speaking, include immediate steps to arrive at a crash program – agreed to by all nations and in accordance with the highest spiritual and ethical principles – to stop global population growth and to arrive at the best possible and most ethical program of population reduction as a painful choice made by all of humanity.

Quinn then states:
"I hope that the sharp and sudden increase in heart rate and blood pressure that the words "population reduction" must surely have caused in readers was not too much to handle, and that we can continue and rationally consider the practicality of just what is being suggested by Mike."

A sharp reduction in the population? An ethical, perhaps voluntary, sacrifice to save the world? Well, golly, I wonder who will be the first to sign up?

Actually, this may not be too far from the Truth. Consider the trumpeting of dire news surrounding the Bird Flu virus. The World Health Organization states the Bird Flu virus could mutate into a virus which could kill more people than the Spanish Flu of 1918 which left 20 million dead. The CDC is proclaiming the same and rushing to find a vaccine to administer to it's citizens.

There is, however, information that is either hidden from view or forgotten. A search reveals articles on bioengineering of viruses being done in US labs including a reconstruction of the lethal Spanish flu by US Army scientists.

More information on, including other links on a possible flu pandemic, can be found here.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Fulcanelli and the Da Vinci Code

Quote of the Day:

I am the chain of being, the circle of the spheres,

The scale of creation, the rise and the fall.
I am what is and is not . . .

I am the soul in all.

~ Rumi ~

My social life is, by some people's standards, a failure. Other than work and school, I don't get out very much. The only other place you might find me is in the local library. I'm on a first name basis with of all the librarians. They are great group of people and, having a history of books and music pop up every time I check an item out, sometimes suggest something for me to read. This past weekend, while browsing the stacks and coming up empty, the librarian on duty suggested reading the Da Vinci Code. "It's a mystery mixed with religious controversy. A bit off the beaten path, so you might like it. The movie is supposed to come out sometime this year."

Very few book based movies have interested me. The one film I have recently seen which was true to the novel was The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. It seems the director, Peter Jackson, kept a copy of the books on site and frequently referred to them while filming the flick. Howards End, based on a novel written by E.M Forster, was also fairly accurate. But I have to admit to being biased towards the fine actors and actresses in Howards End, so that memory of accuracy may not account for much.

Although I declined the book, the first thing I did after arriving home was to, yep, you guessed it, do a search. Low and behold, there was an article written by one of my favorite authors, Laura Knight Jadczyk. She certainly does have a way with words and her method of putting clues together by discovering new patterns and pertinent information is her forte.

The article, The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code is neither a book review nor a discussion of the errors made by Dan Brown's use of poetic license. It takes an entirely diferent view and blends new thought into the mix.

While most researchers seem to dwell on the relationship of Mary Magdelene and Jesus the way a tabloid chews at celebrity marriages, LKJ takes a wider look at the picture, blends history, art, science and alchemy then brews an article which could hold a position in a scholarly journal.

From a discussion of the story told by the stained glass windows in the cathedral of Auch, France, Marguerite of Navarre, shamanic ecstacy, Fulcanelli and the Sufi view of creation, LKJ gathers clues like flowers and arranges them in a way which describes the lessons of this world.

Using the Marriage of Sir Gwain and Dame Ragnelle as an example, LKJ explains the primary truth of "sovereignty, the right to choose, the right to be free from outside interference." Free Will.

Free Will is not as simple as it sounds. Read the following statements, then look around and try to objectively think about what you see happening in the world today and how it might relate to Free Will.

Trying to change someone's mind is Not Free Will.
Trying to impose your system of beliefs upon another is Not Free Will.
Manipulating another to your own benefit is Not Free Will.
"Determining the needs of another is Not Free Will."

If, after reading you really want to turn the compost heap over and delve into a more detailed study of Free Will, I suggest reading "The Wave." The statements above are ideas extracted from the chapter titled Stripped to the Bone or The Shamanic Initiation of the Knighted Ones: Technicians of Ecstasy."

On that note, I'll leave you with the following exerpt from The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code.

"Thus, the first Divine Command is BE! And that includes Being and Non-being instantaneously. Therefore, the second law is "follow Being or Nonbeing according to your choice and your inherent nature."

All creation is a result of the engendering command. So, in this respect, there is no Evil. But the second, prescriptive law determines to which "Face of God" one will return: Life or Death.

There ARE such things as "evil planets," and dark stars. And the real question at this time is: Is Mother Earth about to become one?

VERY IMPORTANT: it is not whether or not one "believes" in good things or bad things that makes good things or bad things happen. It is the factual observation of reality as it IS, and accepting that this is NATURE, that leads to either a true assessment or lies.

The effort to view the universe AS IT VIEWS ITSELF with love and acceptance of Universal principles even in the face of what might be termed "horror", and then choosing to do what is right, can actually lead to amelioration of that horror. To view the universe and to deny the truth and to insist that one can believe whatever one wants and thereby make it so, is to deny reality and contributes to the chaos, the destruction, the suffering.

And so, what is the solution? The Universal TRUTH - as close to it as we can objectively get - is the "right answer".

That is the only thing that will "save the planet." Because it is in the creative centers of humanity - both kinds, those with souls and those without - that the fate of the earth lies.

Nature is the "highest and greatest mother" that gives birth to all things though she, herself, is never seen. Nature is the principle of receptivity that allows the existent things to become manifest.

Again: "The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves."

Today, as in the time of the emergence of the Grail Stories, Courtly Love remains, by definition, the indispensable condition for the success of the the vivifying objective Love of the Higher Realms, the transducing of the energies of Creation, the objective of the Quest for the Holy Grail. It is only by achieving this state of objectivity, true unconditional love that SEES and KNOWS and yet LOVES, can the Seeker gain access to the Ancient Secret Technology which includes mastery of Space and Time and Matter: The Philosopher's Stone: Ascension.

The Alchemical Androgyne: I have become One: Creator of worlds."

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Big Con

Quote of the Day:
"They know, they just know where to grow, how to dupe you, and how
to camouflage themselves among the perfectly respectable plants, they
just know, and therefore, I've concluded weeds must have brains."
~ Dianne Benson ~

Weeds in a garden are not, in and of themselves, the antithesis of cultivated plants. There are many perfectly wonderful plants which have been given the label of 'weed' merely because they are growing in the wrong place. It doesn't matter if the offending vegetation is a medicinal or aromatic herb or even the loveliest wildflower. The misplaced greenery is automatically pulled out and discarded. Weeds, otherwise known as disturbers of a gardener's peace of mind, have no place among a cultivated plot.

Wouldn't it be great if Lies or Disinformation were as easy to spot as a weed in the garden? While researching one would only have to 'See' the offending words and immediate recognition would appear. "Ha! There's another one!" And pull the darn thing out.

Unfortunately, most information, especially the type which revolves around emotionally charged subjects such as politics, religion or culture, can be easily manipulated and controlled by agendas. Sometimes, the DisInfo or CoIntelPro is so subtle, an investigator must not only research what *Has* been reported but what is missing and has *Not* been reported.

The 9-11 attack is an area where emotions and tempers run in high gear. Rational and open conversation is often not possible, for this event has divided the US into 'believers' and 'conspiracy theorists.' That might be a nice way of saying "If you don't believe the offical version then you must be supporting the terrorists." This is not true at all. Many lives were lost and many lives are being lost. I think 9-11 should be investigated beyond the 'Official' version. There remain too many inconsistencies which have never been properly addressed.

An article which has looked at 9-11 and the smokey screen of DisInfo erected by some investigators brings to light a few points which I think are well worth reading.
"Exposing the Big Con – Lies and Disinformation At The End Of Civilisation As We Know It" not only reports on the twisting of facts but describes the way ideas can be used to subvert and discredit serious research.

I especially appreciated the description of how CoIntelPro works to corrupt in order to cause dissension and demoralize ordinary searchers. Out of all the articles I have read describing the propagation of lies, this one has become my favorites.

"Now all of this gives the impression that Hopsicker and Ruppert are on opposing sides and one of them is telling the truth and the other is selling the lie. But as I have already mentioned, nothing is ever that simple in the world of CoIntelPro. You see, even with his "peak oil" slant, Ruppert and his message ran the risk of being just one more voice in the melee of 9-11 investigators and investigations currently entrenched on the internet."

"In the world of CoIntelPro, there are many ways to draw attention to the lie that you have to sell, and each particular method is tailored to be most effective in deceiving a specific audience. In the case of the conspiratorially-aware members of the alternative news communities on the net, one way to draw attention to disinformation is to have someone attack it AS disinformation."

"The benefit of this tactic is that a very convincing argument can be made that the lie is in fact a lie, but care must be taken to leave the issue unresolved and ambiguous. Once the attack has been launched, it is then time to proclaim loudly that the lie is being attacked because it is the truth, which goes down well with conspiracy theorists. This type of CoIntelPro operation presents a more or less win-win scenario for CoIntelPro. In the best-case scenario, that section of public opinion that recognises that our leaders lie to us all of the time will tend to believe that the person being attacked is most likely to be telling the truth. If this is not successful, then, at the very least, much-needed attention is drawn to the lie and invariably infighting in the ranks of genuine truth seekers will have been fomented."

"Not bad for a day's work."

In an effort to understand the present situation, the search for Truth requires looking back into history and tracking the cycles forward into a possible future. By looking at the 'Big Picture' including cyclic catastrophies, the article provides another view of why the world is being plunged into the depths of madness, murder and war.