Sunday, July 30, 2006

Qana Again

Yesha Rabbinical Council: During time of war, enemy has no innocents

07.30.06, 17:37

The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna that "according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy."

All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians," the statement said. (Efrat Weiss)

There is no excuse for the words apoken by these things from the rabbinical council who call themselves 'men'. Over half of the more than sixty people killed at Qana were children.

He says there are no innocents.

I say some people have no soul.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Did You Know?

Quote of the Day:

" Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
~ Aldous Huxley ~

Follow this link to find the facts uncovered in this article.

Did you know?
Gabriele Zamparini
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
"I, Tsilli Goldenberg, Israeli citizen

Accuse you - Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel, Amir Peretz, Minister of Defense, Dan Halutz Head of Staff Chief Commander of the Israeli Army, of committing this bestial barbaric slaughter in Lebanon.

I accuse you of committing Crimes against Humanity towards the Palestinian People. I accuse you of deserting our soldiers, when their lives could be saved by negotiations, and I accuse you of starting an unjustified war in my name." - Tsilli Goldenberg, Masarik 11, Jerusalem 93106 Israel

Did you know that "the daughter of Israel's newly elected prime minister added her voice to those of the anti-Israel [sic] forces around the world when she actively participated in a demonstration outside the home of IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, calling him a 'murderer'"?

Why not?

Did you know that "45% of those killed in Lebanon are children and of the 500,000 people who have fled to safety, some 200,000 are children"?

Why not?

Did you know that Israel bombed "the nation's biggest private network, the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation"?

Why not?

Did you know that a "big milk factory in the Bekaa region called 'Liban Lait' was completely burned and destroyed by direct attacks from the Israeli Air Force."? And that a "food storehouse called 'TransMed' in Choueifate, in Beirut's southern suburbs, was totally destroyed"?

Why not?

Did you know that "Lebanon's president accused Israel on Monday of using phosphorous bombs in its 13-day offensive and urged the United Nations to demand an immediate ceasefire"?

Why not?

Did you know that "the bodies of 13 Lebanese fighters were taken from Maroun al-Ras and buried in Israel to use in future negotiations over the release of Israeli prisoners"?

Why not?

Did you know that "Israeli military has said it will destroy 10 buildings in predominantly Shia south Beirut for every rocket fired at the Israeli port of Haifa, army radio said Monday"?

Why not?

Did you know that "The delivery of at least 100 GBU 28 bunker busters bombs containing depleted uranium warheads by the United States to Israel for use against targets in Lebanon will result in additional radioactive and chemical toxic contamination with consequent adverse health and environmental effects throughout the middle east."?

Why not?

Did you know that what's going on is "subject to review by Israel's chief military censor, who has - in her own words - 'extraordinary power'. She can silence a broadcaster, block information and put journalists in jail"?

Why not?

Did you know that "[a]ccording to the Lebanese police force, the two [Israeli] soldiers were captured in Lebanese territory"?

Why not?

Did you know how the "cross-border" myth originated?

Why not?

From the beginning of this new chapter of the old madness, many people have been following on the internet this shame. We are a peaceful army of world citizens, working for free and moved by solidarity, compassion and an inner drive for justice. Not anger!

But even among the elites of the anti-war movement and the so-called "left", too many have never been listening to us. Let alone important journalists working for the "pro-Israeli" mainstream media who still believe that the "internet is a new thing, and it's also unreliable."

More than sixty years ago George Orwell wrote in The Freedom of the Press, a Preface to his political novel, Animal Farm:
"But at least let us have no more nonsense about defending liberty against Fascism. If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. The common people still vaguely subscribe to that doctrine and act on it... it is the liberals who fear liberty and the intellectuals who want to do dirt on the intellect..."

This Preface was censored when the book came out in 1945 and it was only published in The Times Literary Supplement on 15 September 1972. Twenty seven years after Animal Farm was first published.

Hide and Seek

Quote of the Day:

" Knowledge is of two kinds: we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it."
~ Samuel Johnson ~

If your looking for information, consider this:

"Here's a few things that Fox News and CNN forgot to mention:

"The Indian Daily tells us:
The Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah movement announced on Wednesday that its guerrillas have captured two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon. "Implementing our promise to free Arab prisoners in Israeli jails, our strugglers have captured two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon," a statement by Hezbollah said. "The two soldiers have already been moved to a safe place," it added. The Lebanese police said that the two soldiers were captured as they "infiltrated" into the town of Aitaa al-Chaab inside the Lebanese border. [New Kerala 12/07/06]"

"According to the Bahrain News Agency:
The Lebanese Hezbollah movement announced Wednesday the arrest of two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon. Lebanese police said that the two soldiers were arrested as they entered the town of Aitaa al-Chaab inside the Lebanese border. Israeli aircraft were active in the air over southern Lebanon, police said, with jets bombing roads leading to the market town of Nabatiyeh, 60 kilometers south of Beirut. [Bahrain News Agency 7/12/06]
The strange thing is, almost all English language Western news reports proclaimed loud and clear that Hizb'allah had invaded Israel! How can this be?"

Give up? Looking for answers?

Try this: Israeli Censor Wielding Great Power

or this: Israel set war plan more than a year ago

and this one: Secret 2001 Pentagon Plan to Attack Lebanon

The Main Stream Media in the USA plays hide and seek. Playing their game creates a loosing situation and guess who is on the short end of the stick? This is only mho. And, imho, the capacity for independent thought is directly related to the amount of brainwashing a person has accepted from the Pathocrats.

Why not find out for yourself?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Getting Conned by Condi

Quote of the Day:
"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They don't exist."
~ Golda Meir ~ Statement to the Sunday Times, 6-15-69

Condi is in the process of conning the American public into thinking that the continued genocide in the Middle East is warrented. I wonder where all those anti-abortion, pro-life fanatics are at times like this? Oops, sorry, forgot that they only protect the unborn. After your born you're on your own.

Take a look at some clips from an article describing the facts surrounding Condi's latest crunch and munch of the truth. Read the whole article to get a good idea of the historical, political perspective.

Condoleezza Pregnant: Giving Birth to Monster
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
24 July 2006

Rice sees bombs as "birth pangs"

Condoleezza Rice has described the plight of Lebanon as a part of the "birth pangs of a new Middle East" and said that Israel should ignore calls for a ceasefire.

"This is a different Middle East. It's a new Middle East. It's hard, We're going through a very violent time," the US secretary of state said.

"A ceasefire would be a false promise if it simply returns us to the status quo.

"Such a step would allow terrorists to launch attacks at the time and terms of their choosing and to threaten innocent people, Arab and Israeli, throughout the region."

I have to say that, as the mother of five children, these remarks stopped me cold in my tracks. Aside from the obvious question "what can Condoleezza Rice - a woman who has never given birth - know about "birth pangs"? - there is another more compelling question: what kind of human being can be so callous as to say such a thing when tens of thousands of mothers in the Middle East have suffered the unimaginable grief of seeing their beautiful babies crushed under the jackboots of rapacious Imperialism and religious fanaticism?

In Norman Finkelstein's book Beyond Chutzpah, he writes:
Thus, as already mentioned, the scholarly consensus is that Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in 1948.

Israel's leading historian on the topic, Benny Morris, although having done more than anyone else to clarify exactly what happened, nonetheless concludes that, morally, it was a good thing - just as, in his view, the "annihilation" of Native Americans was a good thing - that, legally, Palestinians have no right to return to their homes, and that, politically, Israel's big error in 1948 was that it hadn't "carried out a large expulsion and cleansed the whole country - the whole Land of Israel, as far as the Jordan" of Palestinians.

However repellant morally, these clearly can't be called FALSE conclusions.

(NB. explanation is given in the article. VF)

Let's run that by one more time: The scholarly consensus is that Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in 1948 and Israel's leading historian, Benny Morris, thinks that this was a good thing.

And now, Condoleezza Rice thinks that further ethnic cleansing of the Middle East by the psycho-bullies of Israel is just "birth pangs" of a "New Middle East."

(Go here for historical, political implications.)

Which brings us back to Condoleezza Rice: Few things have ever revealed the psychopathic nature of the Bush Neocon Cabal more clearly than this soulless and truly inhuman series of remarks. Rice has revealed herself to be - like Benny Morris - a morally repellant creature. And, as Finkelstein has pointed out, the universe inhabited by normal human beings - honest and decent people - is one where the majority concur on the facts and their moral and legal implications, though they may have different ideas of how to implement a political solution. One could say that all normal people demand an immediate cease-fire. Period. You can work out the details later, but stop now before one more precious baby is lost and one more mother regrets the real birth pangs that brought her child into a world where he or she was destined to become only cannon fodder for such as the likes of Condoleezza Rice.

But let's look again at what Rice said: a "New Middle East." What could she have meant by that? Just what kind of Middle East can you have when Israel is systematically ethnically cleansing the region of - well... anybody but Israelis. And there's your answer. That is, after all, the vision of Israel.

And so we see just what kind of "New Middle East" Condoleezza Rice is talking about: she is pregnant and giving birth to a Monster.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Google Looks for 'Secret Tunnel'

Quote of the Day:

"One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever."
~ Chinese Proverb ~

Back in June, when the War of Genocide intensified, I have been wondering just how in the world a 650 meter tunnel could have been dug under the sand without the Zionist knowing it was there. Afterall, they have their noses into everything in Gaza even to the point of saying how much food, fuel and money can be imported into a, supposedly, independent nation.

Fortunately, other people with expertise were asking the same question. Leave it to the Signs team to find out who and publish the article. They come to a very interesting conclusion.

Here is an exerpt:

Did The Palestinians Really Dig A Tunnel Under The Noses Of The Israelis?

Information Liberation With Comment By Signs of the Times

As an engineer I've given the notion of digging a tunnel which the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs tells us was some 650 metres long,[1] dug under sand across the Gaza border into Israel some thought. I'm beginning to wonder whether this is actually feasible especially considering that it would have to be built covertly and across the terrain that Israel claims. A 650 metre long covert tunnel being constructed under sand is a considerable undertaking the logistics of which would be enormous............

Now, 0.9m wide x 0.9m high x 650m long tunnel would require 526 cubic metres of excavation to be removed at, say, 1.3 tonnes per cubic metre if dry, that's 684 tonnes of dirt to dispose of. A good three-axle semi trailer would take about 30 tonnes a load so that's about 23 semi-trailer loads.

A tunnel this size will also require ventilating. This could be done by boring vertical holes to the surface and simply casing the holes with flexible plastic pipe. However, there is a very large section of ploughed-up no-mans land that is under constant surveillance and a few bits of pipe sticking up out of the ground could arouse a suspicion that we be an unacceptable risk..............

The real problems in building a tunnel under these conditions is 1) the problem of disguising the head shaft of the tunnel, which could be solved by building from within an existing structure like a house or a shed, though this would not solve the problem of 2) disguising the delivery of equipment and shoring material and, worse, disposing of the excavated material.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their communiqué have included a photo-map of where they claim the incident took place and even where the tunnel is supposed to be. From this it is very easy to locate the same spot on Google Earth.[2]

The images for this area are exceptionally clear and one can see very clearly the area being referred to and the adjoining and adjacent areas including the old and now disused Gaza airport. (One can clearly see that sections of the runways have been ripped up rendering them unserviceable.) One can also see clearly the area of no-mans land between the paddocks on the Israeli side of the fence where the Israeli soldiers were said to be and the sole small building that appears to be no larger than a shed where, if a tunnel was built at all, the head shaft would be located..............

The bottom line is that it would be impossible to build a tunnel, especially under these conditions of secrecy that one needs to ask; was there really a tunnel? And, if not, then what's the real story? Why have the Israelis lied - again?

[1] Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Communiqué, 'Two soldiers killed, one missing in Karem Shalom terror attack', 25 June 2006. Available online here. Accessed 15 July 2006.

[2] Go to 'Google Earth', 31° 14' 22.34" N, 34° 17' 03.50" E, Zoom in to Eye Altitude of around 10,000ft for clear view of entire area then zoom in for closer detail as required.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Casualities of War

Quote of the Day:
"Dear Lebanese/Palestinian/Arab/Muslim/Christians - Kids,
Die with love. Yours, Israeli Kids"

~ Words written by children on the side of a bomb destined for Lebanon ~

Children learn what they are taught. From infancy, perhaps while they were in the womb, the children who signed the bombs have been taught to hate everything. Everything. Period.

Entropy wins, hatred expands, the killing intensifies and empathy drops into a black hole.

The child next door, the child fleeing with his family, the child in school, the child playing ball in the lot, all dead. Does it matter who they call god? Does it matter what country they are from? In this world it matters. In this world seperation is normal, hatred is normal, and both are worn like badges, proclaiming the line of demarcation.

Who cries for the children? Who cries for the dead and maimed? How do you wake people up to the truth? You can't wake anyone up that does not want to awaken. By the time they do wake up it may be too late. They, themselves, may be causalities of war and wondering why.

From the Israeli children who sign the messages on the bombs to the children in Lebanon or Gaza or Afghanistan or Iraq or the next country on the list who are the victims of those bombs, the world has crossed over the edge into the pit.

If no one speaks out, if no one will see the truth, the pit will be filled with the bodies of the innocents. The people of the earth will have been devoured by hatred.

Pathocrats - 1 Humanity - 0

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Quote of the Day:

"The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crises, retained their neutrality."
~ Dante Alighieri ~


Henry See
18 July 2006
Signs of the Times
What do you do when the entire world is siding with murder? When the life of one Israeli soldier is worth more than the lives of an entire civilian population? Make that two civilian populations - Gaza and Lebanon. What do you do when the deliberate gunning down and bombing of villagers evacuating their town calls forth no shouts of protest, when the premeditated massacre of women and children is called "defence"?

Israel is given free reign to kill as many Arabs as its blood lust demands while the world looks on in silence, or worse, by suggesting those crazed Arab terrorists should calm down, implying "they deserve it".

Israeli psychopath in chief Olmert lets it be known in no uncertain terms that the bombing of Lebanon will continue until the two captured Israeli soldiers are returned. The headlines in the west read "Israeli foreign minister lays out conditions for ceasefire with Hezbollah". They're joking, right? Olmert's violence is played out as an offer for peace!

But it's no joke. It is simply business as usual in a media that is owned and operated as a subsidiary of the Zionist state. The media turns everything upside down: revenge murders carried out with a powerful military armed by US money are 'defence', while people fighting for their lives with homemade rockets and old rifles are 'terrorists'.

Welcome to the pathocracy.

Robert Fisk reported last week on a village in Lebanon whose occupants were ordered by the Israelis to evacuate before their village was to be bombed. As the villagers left, the Israeli's targeted not their homes and businesses, but the fleeing villagers themselves. They were killed. All of them, men women and at least 9 children.

Then John Bolton has the gall the step up and say "I think it would be a mistake to ascribe moral equivalence to civilians who die as the direct result of malicious terrorist acts," he added, while defending as "self-defense" Israel's military action, which has had "the tragic and unfortunate consequence of civilian deaths".

"It's simply not the same thing to say that it's the same act to deliberately target innocent civilians, to desire their deaths, to fire rockets and use explosive devices or kidnapping versus the sad and highly unfortunate consequences of self-defense."

Did you catch that? The willing and knowing slaughter of over 200 Lebanese civilians by Israel in the past 5 days is only the "sad and highly unfortunate consequences of self-defense"?!

Can you see how far down in the muck of psychopathic values we have become mired? Can you see that there is no humanity in Bolton's words? That it is a sound bite meant to reassure the American public that the Palestinians and the Lebanese are no better than animals, that it is OK to slaughter them wholescale in the name of "defence"? That it is meant to put you back to sleep so that all the noise of those bombs is disturbing your rest?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Reality in Lebanon

Quote of the Day:
"We've no intention of stopping this campaign until the reality has changed.
~ Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz ~

True to their pathological, pathocratic, psychopathic roots the Zionists want to change the world to suit their fantasies of reality. All it involves is a little murder, mayhem and mind programing.
It looks like the latter is almost complete.

Kurt Nimmo has a short film on his blog shows the devastation of Reality in Lebanon courtesy of the latest Zionist attacks on civilians.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Consent to Murder

Quote of the Day:
"Silence is consent."
~ ? St. Thomas Moore ? ~

The world is giving Isreal exactly what it wants - silence. In this silence the murderers can move about killing whatever they wish and telling everyone it is an act of self defense.

Signs Editorial:

Acts of war, or war crimes?
Eli Stephens
Left I on the News
July 13, 2006
Israel says the seizing of two Israeli soldiers by Hizballah is an "act of war" (on the part of the Lebanese government). I wonder what they consider this to be, then?
Police said 52 Lebanese civilians, including 15 children, were killed in attacks on Hezbollah targets in Beirut's southern suburbs and across southern Lebanon.

Security sources said the air strikes in south Lebanon also wounded 100 people. Ten members of a family were killed in Dweir village and seven family members died in Baflay.
Note that Israel has not declared war. Therefore these acts can be nothing other than war crimes. Not that most of the Israeli attacks wouldn't qualify as war crimes even if they had declared war.

Update: Note how this story is being headlined and reported, e.g., in this AP story.

Note that the murder of 50 civilians takes a distinct second place to bombing an airport runway, and note also the language: "More than 50 people have died in violence." Not "been killed by Israeli bombs or missiles." They just died in some sort of unspecified violence. Sure they did.

Second update: Kyra Phillips on CNN just now did a summary of what's going on. I'll paraphrase: "Israel has bombed Beirut airport. Hizballah is firing rockets at Israel, including at Haifa. Israeli ships are blockading Lebanese ports." Not one word about the death of 52 (probably more by now) Lebanese civilians. Not a word. Then, just a couple minutes later, she was grilling the Syrian ambassador, asking him about civilian deaths. Israeli deaths, of course. How could she ask about the death of Lebanese civilians when she doesn't even acknowledge that they occur?

Third update: Every reporter on CNN is describing the reported (not completely confirmed; actually denied by Hizballah) landing of two Hizballah-fired rockets in Haifa as a "dangerous escalation." Can anyone explain how that could possibly be an "escalation" after Israel has bombed Lebanese bridges, Beirut airport runways and Beirut airport fuel storage tanks, is blockading ports, and has killed 52 civilians with missile attacks? None of those things has been described by CNN as a "dangerous escalation," yet when (if) Hizballah fires two rockets at Haifa, that's a "dangerous escalation."

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dealing Death Sweetly

Quote of the Day:
" I am become death, shatterer of worlds."
~ J. Robert Oppenheimer ~

A friend has written: "Check out the list of articles on Google News. Almost every one of them is some sympathy story for the "suffering" of Israelis who are dealing
with the heavy rocket bombardment on the northern border. Israel is constantly mentioned as "defending itself". Not one major news outlet is daring to call this psychopathy what it is: an unprovoked Act of War by Israel. The suffering and deaths of the Palestinians and Lebanese in these attacks are treated with the usual silence or merest footnote. Sometimes I want to grab the editors of these media brothels and wring their cowardly, complicit necks."

He's right. I would like to send a sick bag to the cast and crew of Newsweek for their entire collection of selfrightous, lying, manipulative articles. That rag is enough to make any person with two functioning neurons nauseated. Eleanor Clift is especially obnoxious this week as she writes obviously biased, manipulative and deceitful statements such as this emotional hand grenade.
"Gilad Shalit, the 19-year-old seized in the Gaza raid, symbolizes every parent’s worst nightmare. “He’s our Jessica Lynch,” explained one of our Israeli guides, recalling her dramatic rescue by American commandos in Iraq."
Do you remember Rachel Corrie Mrs Clift? Oh right, you probably think she stepped in front of the zionist dozer all by herself. Then again, there is the excellent chance that you don't care. This was, after all not 'political news.'

What do you think about the brutal death of Abir Hamza and family? Okay, sorry. Your Newsweek bio states you cover poli-tics. Once again, my mistake.

Have you had a chance to go on a picnic lately, Mrs. Cllift? Was it before or after the Zionist blew up an entire family on Gaza beach? Oops, not a part of your territory. You cover presidents, elections and such.

Did you have a good time gathering information for your article? It was very timely and made for good copy, don't you think? Push the agenda any way you can.

This part is the most interesting:

"In Israel, we heard repeatedly that this is the first phase of the next war and that it’s about more than Hamas and Hizbullah, it’s about Syria and Iran, and stopping an Iranian nuclear weapon program. There’s a growing realization in Israel that given Bush’s domestic weakness, this may require a unilateral Israeli strike. We were told the only thing that frightens Israel more is no one doing it."

You, Mrs. Clift have actually pointed out the real reason why the Zionists are dealing death: Amerika is moving too slow. Things need to speed up. Let's get a move on.

A move on towards death. Are you for Death or against Death?

You don't have to answer that one. The article has done it for you.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Special Dispensation

Quote of the Day:
"For you are a people holy to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth."

Deuteronomy 7:6

Quote of the Day #2
6. "You shall not murder!" (Shemot 20:13)


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

America is Dead - Long Live Amerika

You may think this is a day to celebrate freedom. If so, you better wake up and take a good looong look around. There are other people out there with plans that you might not agree with.

A member of the DNC came around the other day soliciting money. "It's a grassroots program," he said. "We are trying to raise money to take back the country."

The poor guy doesn't know that the country is already lost and has been lost for years. I guess he hasn't heard of the attack against the USS LIberty and still believes that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, not to mention the rest of the hidden history of the World.

During a brief and congenial conversation I told him that I was not going to give him any money, that the Dems were just another part of the problem and that the voting was rigged. I offered him a glass of water. It was really hot and the guy looked thristy.

He drank the water, looked at me and said, "We have to take this country back. We need a revolution. The Constitution says we can do that you know."

I looked at him like he had two heads. Did he hear what he had just said? What year does he think he is in? A revolution? Who does he think will be killed?

Maybe the sun had fried his brain but I think the guy really believed what he was saying. I don't. There is no way on the BBM that any tpe of armed resistance or uprising will create a society where people with conscience can thrive. It is the nature of this environment to be hungry and to periodically devour it's inhabitants. Just like it is doing now.

I asked him if he had ever heard of the Pathocracy and Ponerology. He said no. So I sent him on his way with a brief explanation and a bunch of bookmarks to the Signs site. My parting words were read, learn, think.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Not so HIdden Agenda

Quote of the Day:
"Half the work that is done in this world is to make things appear what they are not."
~ Elias Root Beadle ~

After setting up the current scene with murder, lies, obfuscation, kidnapping, murder, and supreme paramoralisms, the Pathocrats of Isreal have announced the real reason for their most recent genocide against the Palestinian people. It has nothing to do with a kidnapped soldier or a dead settler; the Pathocrats reason that sacrifices must be made. It has everything to do with Iran.

Israel Threatens to Hit Damascus
By Hakan Isayev, Cihan News Agency, Cairo
Published: Friday, June 30, 2006

Israel holds Khaled Mashal, the leader of Hamas' Syrian branch, responsible for the abduction of two Israeli soldiers and wants Syria to expel Palestinian leaders from the country.
Israel threatened to kill Hamas militants based in Damascus.
Al-Jazeera television said Public Security Minister Avi Dichter claimed they knew the locations of HAMAS and Islamic Jihad leaders in Syria and will not hesitate to kill them.
Justice Minister Chaim Ramon said, “The leader of Al Qaeda, Meshal is a terrorist of the worst kind, and the international community must exert pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to expel Meshal from Syria.”
Ramon claimed Meshaal gave the order for abduction and is now a target for assassination.
Syrian security forces said they tightened the security measures to protect the HAMAS leader.
Israeli army said yesterday they carried out a low-altitude flight over the palace of Syrian President Bashar Assad in Latakia, in northwestern Syria.
Syrian sources reported that they fired at two Israeli planes flying over Syrian air space.

So far, Zaman from Turkey the only source on the Internet I can find that is covering this news. There is not a peep from US sources. Not unusual. Remember the old saying about women? keep them barefoot and pregnant and they won't give you any trouble? A similar idea applies to most of the US population: keep them fat, happy and stupid and you can get away with murder.


Get ready people. The Big Blue Marble is about to get a whole lot more interesting.