Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dealing Death Sweetly

Quote of the Day:
" I am become death, shatterer of worlds."
~ J. Robert Oppenheimer ~

A friend has written: "Check out the list of articles on Google News. Almost every one of them is some sympathy story for the "suffering" of Israelis who are dealing
with the heavy rocket bombardment on the northern border. Israel is constantly mentioned as "defending itself". Not one major news outlet is daring to call this psychopathy what it is: an unprovoked Act of War by Israel. The suffering and deaths of the Palestinians and Lebanese in these attacks are treated with the usual silence or merest footnote. Sometimes I want to grab the editors of these media brothels and wring their cowardly, complicit necks."

He's right. I would like to send a sick bag to the cast and crew of Newsweek for their entire collection of selfrightous, lying, manipulative articles. That rag is enough to make any person with two functioning neurons nauseated. Eleanor Clift is especially obnoxious this week as she writes obviously biased, manipulative and deceitful statements such as this emotional hand grenade.
"Gilad Shalit, the 19-year-old seized in the Gaza raid, symbolizes every parent’s worst nightmare. “He’s our Jessica Lynch,” explained one of our Israeli guides, recalling her dramatic rescue by American commandos in Iraq."
Do you remember Rachel Corrie Mrs Clift? Oh right, you probably think she stepped in front of the zionist dozer all by herself. Then again, there is the excellent chance that you don't care. This was, after all not 'political news.'

What do you think about the brutal death of Abir Hamza and family? Okay, sorry. Your Newsweek bio states you cover poli-tics. Once again, my mistake.

Have you had a chance to go on a picnic lately, Mrs. Cllift? Was it before or after the Zionist blew up an entire family on Gaza beach? Oops, not a part of your territory. You cover presidents, elections and such.

Did you have a good time gathering information for your article? It was very timely and made for good copy, don't you think? Push the agenda any way you can.

This part is the most interesting:

"In Israel, we heard repeatedly that this is the first phase of the next war and that it’s about more than Hamas and Hizbullah, it’s about Syria and Iran, and stopping an Iranian nuclear weapon program. There’s a growing realization in Israel that given Bush’s domestic weakness, this may require a unilateral Israeli strike. We were told the only thing that frightens Israel more is no one doing it."

You, Mrs. Clift have actually pointed out the real reason why the Zionists are dealing death: Amerika is moving too slow. Things need to speed up. Let's get a move on.

A move on towards death. Are you for Death or against Death?

You don't have to answer that one. The article has done it for you.


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